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Regular price Rs.3,480.00
Regular price Sale price Rs.3,480.00
Sale Sold out
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>Screw with lining of the front bonnet or rear boot
> Does not no require any cutting or welding
> Fits any car's front bonnet or rear boot door with ease
> Enhances the looks of your vehicle with its trendy looks
>Stylish Chrome Detailing provides aggressive looks

Product is only for decorative and stylish purpose. It does not have any electrical antenna properties.
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How to know more about the product?

To learn more about the product get in touch with our representative at following:

Call: +92-423-7724222
Whatsapp: +92-321-4222294

How much time does it take to deliver?

It usually takes around 2-3 working days for the delivery of normal size parcel. For oversize parcel or a parcel exceeding 5 kgs. in weight additional 2-4 working days are required.

To know about the exact ETA or an urgent delivery contact us on whatsapp +92-321-4222294

Is there any Return Policy?

Yes there is an easy return and replacement policy to learn more about visit the following website link Return & Exchange Policy

Do you require Technical Assistance?

In case you require technical assistance for example 'which type of spark plug is good for engine performance?'

You can contact our representative at following:
Call: +92-423-7724222
Whatsapp: +92-321-4222294

Can I make payment through Debit or Credit Card?

Yes, we accept multiple payment methods Mastercard and Visa are acceptable at the payment gateway.

To make bank transfer; bank account details are provided at the checkout.